This page provides checklists, recommendations and resources to help Carpentries community members plan for in-person local and regional events.

Start Here!

This two-part checklist suggests preparatory tasks you can embark on before diving in to use the rest of the CarpentryConnect Planning Kit to organise your in-person CarpentryConnect Event. It specifically covers how to select dates, an event venue and get a planning committee together, composed of local Carpentries community members, in place.

I just had an idea to bring people together in a CarpentryConnect!

I am in the early stages of planning for a CarpentryConnect!

This section assumes that you have an idea about these four things for your event: city, venue, date range and community members to help you put together a CarpentryConnect event. If not, start here. Let the Community Engagement Team in The Carpentries know that you have an idea for or are planning a CarpentryConnect by emailing with as many details as possible.

A note to everyone with ideas for Carpentry Connect events:

This first stage sometimes takes a while, so do not be discouraged with the process. Sometimes the outcome of your first discussion is a decision to organise a smaller meetup first, or plan for a virtual CarpentryConnect event, rather than an in-person one.

You can find our Virtual CarpentryConnect Planning Kit here.

Keep Accessibility in Mind

At The Carpentries, we are committed to building a diverse, equitable, and inclusive community that values all individuals and their unique identities. We prioritise accessibility and inclusivity in our curricula and programs and value transparency, fairness, and honesty to build trust within our community. Building an inclusive community is an ongoing process that requires consistent effort and commitment, and we strive for continuous improvement.

Accessibility Statement

The Carpentries is committed to providing inclusive and accessible content that enables all individuals, including those with disabilities, to participate and engage fully. We are actively working to increase the accessibility and usability of Carpentries content and in doing so, adhere to many of the available standards and guidelines including those from the World Wide Web Consortium.

If there are any aspects of our community including the website, community discussions, instruction, or the design of our lessons that result in barriers to your inclusion, please email us with as much information as possible including the name, location, and date of the event you attended, or any relevant links that provide context (e.g. Slack, GitHub).

Request an Accommodation

To request an accommodation for a Carpentries event, please fill out the accommodation request form.

If you have questions or need assistance with the accommodation form please email us.


The Carpentries Toolkit of IDEAS | Zenodo The Toolkit of IDEAS (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Accessibility Strategies) is a practical resource for Carpentries Instructors, helpers, and workshop hosts. We know that many people care about inclusion, diversity, equity, and accessibility but are not sure how they connect to teaching foundational coding and data science skills. This toolkit aims to bridge this gap. This is version 1, which means it is a starting point, not a fully comprehensive resource. The hope is that the Core Team and community members will continue to update and extend this resource over time.

Decide on Session Formats

Depending on the theme and goals of your event, and the needs and interests of your attendees, it may help to mix and match different session formats at your event. Here are some session formats to consider:


These are hands-on sessions with instructors or facilitators and in which attendees learn a new skill. It is important to communicate in advance about levels of proficiency required to sit in for a session i.e. is it for beginners, intermediate and advanced level users of the resource that will be covered? Requirements for the workshop i.e. equipment, tools and resources attendees come to the session with

Keynote Sessions

Keynotes are main track sessions that everyone attending an event is invited to sit in for.

When scheduled as the first session of the day, keynotes are a great way to set the tone for a conference and spark discussions around specific topics throughout the event. Some keynotes are also set at the end of an event day, and these usually serve to coalesce discussions from the entire event into specific calls to action to keep the community moving forward.

For shorter events, it might not be possible to have both.

Panel Sessions

These are a great alternative to keynote sessions as they allow more people to speak and be heard in the same amount of time. They are also a great way to shine a spotlight on various people’s passions, efforts and involvement within the community.

If a panel session is preferred:

Lightning Talk Sessions

These sessions allow participants 3-7 minutes on stage to talk about something interesting, and share a call-to-action or several for the audience. Presenters are typically allowed 1-5 slides to keep their talks short and sweet.

Unconference Sessions

These are sessions whose topics are pitched at your event to allow attendees to decide which topics interest them. These sessions have a facilitator and can take any form decided on by participants. Unconference sessions take on a broad question and open them up for discussion by attendees. In shorter events, Birds-of-a-Feather sessions are examples of unconference sessions.

The Hallway Track

Over breaks and lunch at an event, people prefer to spend their free time in different ways.

For attendees that may prefer quiet time to get work done, or rest and reflect or attend to private matters, consider:

For people that may prefer to work collaboratively and network over their breaks, consider:

Designing a CarpentryConnect Program

For in-person events, it is important to have an agenda that provides ample opportunity for people to interact with each other in different ways.

Some tips:

Start With a Program Outline

Using information on time and rooms available for your use at your event as a guide, develop a program outline first then populate it with specific session titles later. Your program outlines when people will be in sessions or breaks, and no further details. While developing your program framework, it is important not to make any assumptions about the familiarity of attendees with each other.

Here is an example of a program outline template to help you get started. It is for a day-long event, and was designed by Dan Kerchner and Serah Rono ahead of CarpentryConnect DC 2020.

Time / CarpentryConnect Session
10:00am - 11:00am

Intros, CoC, Schedule,Updates on Carpentries, regional updates
11:00 am - 11:30am

11:30am - 12:30pm

Breakout sessions (x4) incl. 15 min collaborative draft report
12:30pm - 1:30pm

Lunch (Group photo at 12:30pm OR 1:25pm)
1:30pm - 2:30pm

Breakout sessions
2:30pm - 3:00pm

3:00pm - 4:00pm

Breakout sessions
4:00pm - 4:45pm Report-back from Breakouts
(1 slide x 12 sessions)

4.45pm - 5.00pm
Wrap up and Acknowledgements

Develop Your Program Collaboratively

Engage your attendees as much as possible while designing your event program. They are likely from different domains, and have varied skills, needs and interests. Listening to them will help you create a robust and inclusive program.

Keep a list of all suggested session ideas, and leave it open for comment, discussion and updates by potential event attendees throughout your program design process.

As an event organiser, you may need to make final decisions on some aspects of your event after receiving everyone’s input. To help you decide which sessions to include in your program, consider prioritising discussions that would span months in an online setting. What are some complex discussions that the community can make progress on with the help of a session moderator or facilitator?

Diversify Your Event Program

It is important for your program to create an environment for as many voices to be heard during your event. Given the time limitation, you may need to create different tracks for your CarpentryConnect event to allow several sessions to run concurrently. Event tracks should be themed to help attendees make decisions about where to go at any given time. Examples of CarpentryConnect tracks might include

A program outline for a day-long event with various tracks built into it might look like this

9.00 - 10.00 Main Track (everyone in one room)
Welcome, CoC, Acknowledgements, Keynote / Panel Session
10.00 - 10.30 Break
10.30 - 12.00 Community Building
Room 1
Curriculum Development
Room 2
Python Mini-Workshop
Room 3
RStats Mini-Workshop
Room 4
12.00 - 1.00 Lunch
1.00 - 2.30 Community Building
Room 1
Curriculum Development
Room 2
Python Mini-Workshop
Room 3
RStats Mini-Workshop
Room 4
2.30 - 3.00 Group Photo and Break
3.30 - 4.30 Lightning Talks Session
4.30 - 5.00 5 min reports from the four event tracks, 10 minute gratitudes

Here are examples of great event programmes from past CarpentryConnects:

Identify Roles Needed for Your Event to Run Smoothly

Depending on the size of your event and the number of volunteers you have at hand, one person may need to assume multiple roles to help steer your event on the day. Here are a few roles and a checklist of duties under each one:

Master of Ceremonies

The Master of Ceremonies is tasked with:

Time Keeper

Ensures the event program runs smoothly by:

Session facilitators

Session facilitators are tasked with:

Code of Conduct facilitators

Code of Conduct Facilitators serve as an added layer of support to report incidents to the Code of Conduct Committee (CoCc). Code of Conduct Facilitators actively monitor online spaces and in-person meetings during the event and are the in-person point of contact to provide support and guidance to report potential breach of the Code of Conduct to the CoCc. To efficiently serve as a bridge with the CoCc, Code of Conduct facilitators:

Some working definitions for terms used in this resource:

The creation of opportunities for equal access to and participation in programs that are capable of closing participation gaps in our community.

The active, intentional, and ongoing engagement of diverse people and communities that increases awareness, content knowledge, and empathic understanding of the ways we interact within (and change) our community.

Program/process design and implementation that offers multiple avenues for access and participation.

Event Buddies

Attending events can be nerve wracking for some people. Event buddies serve as

Session Transcribers

For sessions in the main track, and breakout sessions at your event, transcribing sessions / live note-taking is highly recommended. It is the duty of discussion transcribers to:

Sign Language Translators

Prioritising Sign Language Translations is one avenue to make your event more inclusive and content more accessible to attendees.

Some helpful resources to look into -

Finding Speakers and Session Facilitators

The Carpentries community is composed of technologists, librarians, data scientists, researchers and other professionals from different domains and community members spread out around the world. For local and regional Carpentries events, it is important for event organisers to reflect this diversity in the event, and decisions around sessions for your event and speakers for your panel sessions / keynotes are a good place to start.

We covered the different types of sessions you can have in your event in this section, and we will now offer tips for selecting the right types of sessions for your CarpentryConnect event.

Ask Community Members for Input

After you have designed a skeletal program for your day, share it with community members that are keen on attending your CarpentryConnect, and ask them to offer suggestions for specific themes for your panel sessions, breakout sessions and keynote speakers. Requests for input can either be sent as

As an organiser, you can then go by popular vote and slot the top three session selections in your program.

Less popular sessions / themes from your community engagement exercise above need not go to waste - please reach out to or fill this form requesting for these to be slotted as hour-long Themed Discussion Sessions (online Carpentries community calls where global Carpentries community members are invited to participate). These themed discussion sessions provide varied perspectives on different themes, and are usually recorded and uploaded to The Carpentries YouTube channel.

Check Carpentries Channels for Ideas

Brainstorm with The Carpentries Core Team

Email with your request to chat about possible session themes for your CarpentryConnect event and members of the Community Engagement Team in The Carpentries will avail themselves for a chat with your local/regional event organisers.

Creating a Website for Your CarpentryConnect Event

Website Templates to Use

To help you get started, The Carpentries will soon be adding two website templates for you to choose from. You can find both templates in the CarpentryConnect repository on GitHub.

Just like this resource and The Carpentries website, both website templates will employ use of Jekyll, a static website generator, and display all information about your event summarily in a single page.

In the meantime, we recommend using these as a template:

Domain for your CarpentryConnect Website

We highly recommend cloning either of the templates to the same repository to make it easier for The Carpentries Core Team to register a subdomain for your event. Please reach out to if you would like for one of our team to work with you in this step of the process.

Developing a Conference Budget

Here’s a list of items that may require money:

Putting Out a Call for Registrations

Putting out a call for registrations will give you an idea of how many people plan on attending your event. This will come in handy as you prepare your venue to make accommodations for various accessibility needs, design seating arrangements for various rooms, make plans for catering, get name tags ready, etc.

You can employ various tools in putting out a call for registrations for your event. Our top picks are:

Eventbrite makes it easier to collect any ticket fees and donations in case you need to do so for your event.

Regardless of the tool you decide to use to manage your CarpentryConnect registrations, here are some key questions we recommend asking in your event’s registration form:

Seeking Funds and Sponsors

Depending on the locale selected for your CarpentryConnect event, you may need to raise funds to help execute your event successfully. Aspects of event planning that may incur costs include

More Planning Resources